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1341 fatwas

  • Listening to Music for Healing is Impermissible

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakathuhu. I have always had troubles regarding periods. My period almost always depends on external factors e.g. yoga/exercise/home remedies. Recently, I came accross a thing called subliminals where u hear some kind of music/tune that changes the frequency of ur brain waves and encourages it to do something i.e... More

  • Reading Harry Potter Novels

    Can I know if it is Haram to read books like Harry Potter? .. More

  • Suffers from Social Anxiety and Feels Lonely

    I'm 27 years old (male) and I had social anxiety since my childhood, I've been tying to fight it for a very long time. I have this problem because of the treatment i received at home and Society . My younger brother also have this problem and it has probably no solution for it. But still I refuse to accept this, and kept fighting. My best friend suggested.. More

  • Buying A Software Not Knowing the Upcoming Upgrades

    Assalamu alaykum I want to buy a software called corelDraw. The offer is as follows, They sell corelDraw 2019 version which i can keep forever. And they will also provide optional free upgrade to their furture release corelDraw 2020 version when it is released. It is not known what new fetures 2020 version will have. Does this ambiguity render the.. More

  • Struggles When Reciting the Quran

    I have troubles pronouncing letters correctly in silent prayers. I try to but this takes more time, its louder and can disturb others praying with me and it also happens that i get out of breath, wich leads to less tranquility. I have difficulties in keeping up with the imam because of this. If i was to wait until im back to normal after getting out.. More

  • Has Whispers and Imagines about Odd Things

    I suffer from ocd and i have resolved 70% of my phobias. I know for example that there is no sin if you imagine a blasphemous sentence or voice as long as you don't approve that. In one of the answers it said there is no sin but the believer must spent time with imagining good things like the Quran and sunnah. Because spending time with small and idle.. More

  • Erasing Someone Else’s Drawing

    If i erased someone else's drawing, do i need to pay for it?. If maybe the drawing can have value if the owner sell it. .. More

  • Aborted Her Illegitimate Child Though Fornicator Wanted It

    ASALAM ALAKUM I got pregnant with the father of the Child before marriage, when we found out we rushed to get married. The families were very against it and I have a violent ex-husband. his family will not accept me and at my most vulnerable time, right after I was subjected to violence by my ex. The father of the child moved away from me and back.. More

  • Must Delete Chat and Video History on YouTube

    Does bad histories like chat history or video history in youtube has to be delete.d?. I mean example is like i ever have online chats that contain sin or even kufr, and of course the chat history is still there that i can look at it again. Or maybe i ever watch sinful video on youtube, and the history is there that i ever watched it. .. More

  • Want Abortion Due to Wife's Health Problems

    Asalam O alaikum. sir My question is i have 5 daughters and i dont any more childern. but my wife is again pregnant. even she has medical issue also. its only one week we just come to know. so if i want her to abort the pregnancy. what the Quran say. will it be a murder ? . please answer in detail. jazak Allah khair. My wife is saying it will be murder.. More

  • What Is Required from a Person Who Suffers from Whispers

    Salaam ‘Alaykum. The scholars - including this website - always tell those who suffer from waswasah (satanic whispers, doubts) to ignore the waswasah and not pay any attention to it at all. But what do they mean by ignoring it? For example, if I constantly suffer from waswasah that my wudoo’ and salaah is for the sake of so-and-so (i.e. that I.. More

  • Designing Games with Animated Characters

    Assalamu Alaikum Iam planning to make a mobile game for childs as well as adults. I want to know that can i go with the development for this game.Is it halal or haram? Theme for this game is, a boy is traveling to find a tresure. Actually the tresure in this game is a box which contains some books which will reveal and find at the end of the game... More

  • Videography for Living Beings

    Assalamu'alaikum, do you know whether sheikh shalih al fawzan permitted non live videography for beings with soul? Jazakallahi khairan. .. More

  • Lighting a Lamp is Not Disbelief

    Salaam I am from India and a long time back I was invited to a function as a chief guest and as part of the inaugural function I was told to light a lamp. This is a tradition in many parts of India where they start any function with this ceremony. The reason for this I think is religious ( More

  • Images of Birds and Fish on Bed Sheets

    Do the image of birds, fish etc on bed sheet, floor mat may prevent angels from enterong our house? .. More