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1098 fatwas

  • Needs clarification of Hadeeth and their relation to Qur'an

    There is a Hadeeth says that three things cancel the prayer: the passage of a dog, ass, and woman? Aa'ishah  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  her rejected this Hadeeth on the basis of what she saw from the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ). According to her, the Prophet prayed while she was in front of him laying on the bed. Does the passage.. More

  • Acts that are rewardable

    [1] Are rewarded for following the simple Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, e.g. putting on shoes from the right side etc. [2] Are we rewarded for being in a state of Wudu even outside the mosque or anytime you stay with Wudu after Salah. .. More

  • Explanation of Hadeeth "I am a human being like you"

    According to some Muslim group, they say Islam has no politics by citing the following Hadith: "I am a human like you. When I give any religious command, accept it. When I say something out of my personal opinion, remember that I am nothing but a human being. I had only guessed (regarding the fertilization methods of date palms). Do not.. More

  • Children being out doors at sunset

    With reference to the below fatwa I have a question, my children go to mosque when it Athaan for Maghrib, is this allowed or not. Please advise. Fatwa No.:89028. Fatwa Title: Children playing out doors at sunset Fatwa Date: 26 Shawwal 1425 Question: My friend has informed me that kids should not be allowed to go outside for playing.. More

  • Knows someone who does not believe in any Hadeeth he does not understand

    I know someone who does not believe in any Hadeeth that he doesn't understand or that seems to contradict the Qur'an even if they are Saheeh. Like the Hadeeth of Sulaymaan sleeping with 90 wives in one night, etc. .. More

  • Authenticity of a Hadeeth (narration)

    My question is as follows: Some people say that the Hadeeth referring to "Paradise being at the feet of our mothers" is not a Hadeeth Saheeh. I am writing a topic on this issue, and before making any wrong statement, it is of great importance to me to check this point. I therefore would be extremely grateful to you if you could shed some light.. More

  • Authenticity of a narration

    Is it appropriate for Hujjaaj on Yawmil 'Arafah to conduct or participate in group supplications, is it harmless, or is it preferred to for each Hajj to supplicate privately? Please give appropriate supporting pieces of evidence for your viewpoint... More

  • Explanation of Hadeeth

    Is it true that the following Hadeeth is weak? Hafsah, (may Allaah be pleased with her) relates that: "There are four things that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, never abandoned: fasting the day of Ashurah, fasting the first ten days of Zul-Hijjah, fasting three days of every month and praying the two Raka'h before the dawn prayer.".. More

  • Children playing out doors at sunset

    My friend has informed me that kids should not be allowed to go outside for playing at the time of sunset. He says there is a Hadeeth related to this. Is it true? Is there any supporting Hadeeth regarding this matter? .. More

  • Whoever fasts one day in the sacred month...

    The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, also said: "Whoever fasts one day in the sacred month Allaah will grant him the reward of thirty days for every day."Is this Hadeeth authentic? .. More

  • Reading the whole Qur'an in less than three days

    I heard an audio tape in which the scholar says that, the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is report to have commanded that no body should finish reciting the whole Qur'aan in less than 3 days? Please advise, with supporting Hadeeth, if possible. .. More

  • The Prophet offered Asmaa' a ride behind him on his camel

    I read a Hadith where the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, was said to have been riding his camel when he passed by one of his companions' wife. He then offered to give her a ride but she refused when she remembered her husband's jealousy. Is this Hadeeth authentic? And if it is, does it mean that we are allowed to offer a ride, in a car.. More

  • Authenticity of a Hadeeth

    Is the below-mentioned Hadeeth Saheeh: "The difference in my Ummah is blessing."?.. More

  • Babies who spoke in the cradle

    I wanted to know how many babies spoke in the cradle other than E'esaa, may Allaah exalt his mention, and the Hadeeth to support that... More

  • Practicing Innovations

    Are the practices below deemed as heresy? 1) To recite the Yaasin verse every Thursday night after the Maghrib prayers in congregation? 2) To perform the Sujud Sajdah every Friday during the Subuh prayers. 3) To celebrate the Prophet's birthday. .. More